It took my wife Lynda just one week from book launch to rollicking sales.
She wrote and illustrated this cute story about a hedgehog who hears about an island where he’s far less likely to get squished by crazy drivers, so he goes on an adventure to find it.
I knew it was a good story and I knew she was a classy artist. Bound to be successful but getting a publisher ain’t easy. I know this but I didn’t tell her.
So what happened? She found a publisher (Blue Ormer of Guernsey) and rolled up her sleeves ready for the next stage.
I told her that wasn’t easy either. Trust me, I said, I’ve been there.
So she proceeds to have her story published in every local paper, turns down broadcast interviews left and right until the BBC come calling, and on the back of that does a book signing.
Look, I’ve had several novels published and never achieved that level of publicity!
Mustn’t grumble. She’s always been better at business, better at cooking, better at gardening, better at art, better at bringing up children, better at winning arguments.
As it happened, the issue of boat people and far-right unrest was hitting the headlines. That never happened for my ancient historicals.
So here she is…
Book signing
Posing on the beach
In a press cutting
I could be jealous if I tried…
Lovely article Alastair, so pleased for Lynda and well deserved success. Thought it was a delight as I followed the creative process.
Echo Jackie’s comments.
What a generous soul you are, Alistair. Not a resentful bone in your body. Just sitting back, relaxing, and working out how to spend Lynda’s royalties. I know.