What a thrill! (Hopefully not the plane trip!). Congratulations!

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Now had that been seat 1A on Concorde (who remembers that?) I’d have been really impressed! We are currently at Gatwick ready for our flight to Mexico tomorrow. Now that’s a place with amazing Mayan history and plenty of sources for your future writing!

Sounds like the literary festival in Alderney will soon compete with the Hay Festival? Good luck with it. Peter

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I saw Concorde land once!

I've only flown first class once, and only because my original flight was canceled and the only seat left on the last of the day was there. I drank all the cocktails and wine and the food was good.

Sadly, going trans-Atlantic meant the cheapest seats available in summer, when I realized why it's called cattle class. Smack in the middle of the middle, and even the sleeping pills didn't help.

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I hate to gloat, but back in the day Konica flew the media on Concorde to Marrakech for lunch to launch a photo film. Out and back on the same day. ‘Good day at the office?’ my partner asked when I returned in time for dinner.

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What fun! Sounds like you've found a home that suits both of you and both of your talents!

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Agreed Mary-Lou, it's pretty damn good hosting so many great authors on a tiny island!

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The smallest plane I've ever been on had 10 more seats than that, and flew for twice as long. Through some mildly-concerning weather near the edge of thunderstorms.

Must admit the only authors of those I've read are Scarrow and Tidhar.

Congrats to you and the Mrs.

PS: I've a very few notes for you; should I save them till after the festival is over and you're less busy?

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